
Grade Boundaries

Grade boundaries for all maths course for the latest syllabus can be found in the interactive table below. Percentage-wise grade boundaries should be:

However, boundaries can fluctuate greatly depending on how hard everyone found the papers.  Especially since the new syllabus change in 2017 with first exams in 2018.  For example, A Level Edexcel had very low boundaries in 2019 and 2022 (72% for A* and 55% for A). Grade boundaries also vary between different exam boards due to the varying difficulty of the exams. The order of difficulty of the exam boards in increasing order of difficulty is:

  • Difficulty level 1: AQA
  • Difficulty level 2: Edexcel (the UK version is easier than the IAL)
  • Difficulty level 3: OCR (OCR MEI B is harder than OCR A)
  • Difficulty level 5: Cambridge (Pre-U is the hardest cambridge A Level)  


Nicely condensed summaries of grade boundaries can be found by scrolling all the way below the large interactive table.  You can also find downloadable summary table grade boundaries by clicking and downloading the pdfs at the very bottom of the page. 

AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2June2018160105907561470
AS LevelEdexcel1June201810068584839300
AS LevelEdexcel2June20186037322722170
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3June201830022918415512698700
A LevelEdexcel1June20181008770594837260
A LevelEdexcel2June20181007762524233240
A LevelEdexcel3June20181006552443628200
AS LevelAQA1 and 2June2018160102877359450
AS LevelAQA1June20188054463932250
AS LevelAQA2June20188048413427200
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3June201830023118515111885520
A LevelAQA1June20181007253433324150
A LevelAQA2June20181007762503827160
A LevelAQA3June20181008270574533210
AS LevelOCR1 and 2June201815095847362520
AS LevelOCR1June20187550443934290
AS LevelOCR2June20187545403428230
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3June201830024019716212894600
A LevelOCR1June20181008367554433210
A LevelOCR2June20181007561503928180
A LevelOCR3June20181008269574533210
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2June201814094837261510
AS LevelOCR MEI1June20187044383328230
AS LevelOCR MEI2June20187050453933280
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3June20182752181971761551351150
A LevelOCR MEI1June20181008174675952450
A LevelOCR MEI2June20181007568615447400
A LevelOCR MEI3June2018756255484236300
AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2June2019160 101877461480
AS LevelEdexcel1June201910063544638300
AS LevelEdexcel2June20196038332823180
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3June201930021716513410373430
A LevelEdexcel1June201910056453525150
A LevelEdexcel2June201910052423222130
A LevelEdexcel3June201910057463525150
AS LevelAQA1 and 2June2019160102877359450
AS LevelAQA1June20198054463932250
AS LevelAQA2June20198048413427200
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3June201930023118515111885520
A LevelAQA1June20191007253433324150
A LevelAQA2June20191007762503827160
A LevelAQA3June20191008270574533210
AS LevelOCR1 and 2June2019150100867259460
AS LevelOCR1June20197551443731250
AS LevelOCR2June20197549423528210
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3June201930021616113010070400
A LevelOCR1June20191007254443424130
A LevelOCR2June20191007658473625150
A LevelOCR3June20191006849393021120
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2June2019140102907867560
AS LevelOCR MEI1June20197050443832270
AS LevelOCR MEI2June20197052464035290
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3June201927521717814611483520
A LevelOCR MEI1June20191008470594735230
A LevelOCR MEI2June20191007359483727170
A LevelOCR MEI3June2019756049393021120
AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2October202016093765943270
AS LevelEdexcel1October202010059483727170
AS LevelEdexcel2October20206034282216100
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3October20203002141621309968370
A LevelEdexcel1October202010053423222120
A LevelEdexcel2October202010053423121110
A LevelEdexcel3October202010056453424140
AS LevelAQA1 and 2October202016091766147330
AS LevelAQA1October20208045372921130
AS LevelAQA2October20208046393226200
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3October202030021817214010978470
A LevelAQA1October20201007155443424140
A LevelAQA2October20201006951413122130
A LevelAQA3October20201007865534231200
AS LevelOCR1 and 2October202015091766248340
AS LevelOCR1October20207548403326190
AS LevelOCR2October20207543362922150
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3October20203002021541249566370
A LevelOCR1October20201006650403121100
A LevelOCR2October20201006954443425160
A LevelOCR3October20201006750403020110
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2October202014094806653400
AS LevelOCR MEI1October20207048413428210
AS LevelOCR MEI2October20207046393225190
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3October20202751921541269870420
A LevelOCR MEI1October20201007358483726150
A LevelOCR MEI2October20201006150413324150
A LevelOCR MEI3October2020755846372820120
AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2October202116091766146320
AS LevelEdexcel1October202110057473727180
AS LevelEdexcel2October20216034292419140
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3October20213002071571289970420
A LevelEdexcel1October20211007154443424140
A LevelEdexcel2October20211007154443424140
A LevelEdexcel3October20211006549403122140
AS LevelAQA1 and 2October202116093786349350
AS LevelAQA1October20218047393124170
AS LevelAQA2October20218046393225180
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3October202130020816213310577490
A LevelAQA1October20211006751423324160
A LevelAQA2October20211006649403123150
A LevelAQA3October20211007562514029180
AS LevelOCR1 and 2October202115089745944300
AS LevelOCR1October20217546393023160
AS LevelOCR2October20217543352921140
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3October20213001971511239567390
A LevelOCR1October20211006650403121120
A LevelOCR2October20211006953443425150
A LevelOCR3October20211006248393021120
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2October202114094806653400
AS LevelOCR MEI1October20217048413428210
AS LevelOCR MEI2October20217046393225190
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3October20212751921541269870420
A LevelOCR MEI1October20211007358483726150
A LevelOCR MEI2October20211006150413324150
A LevelOCR MEI3October2021755846372820120
AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2June202216095806550360
AS LevelEdexcel1June202210060504031220
AS LevelEdexcel2June20226035292419140
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3June20223002171641309662280
A LevelEdexcel1June20221007053423120100
A LevelEdexcel2June2022100735543312090
A LevelEdexcel3June2022100745644322090
AS LevelAQA1 and 2June202216092766045300
AS LevelAQA1June20228042342720130
AS LevelAQA2June20228050413325170
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3June202230022017113810674420
A LevelAQA1June20221007153423222120
A LevelAQA2June20221007356453525150
A LevelAQA3June20221007662503826150
AS LevelOCR1 and 2June202215094765942250
AS LevelOCR1June20227549403223140
AS LevelOCR2June20227545362719110
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3June20223001931491199061320
A LevelOCR1June20221007356443322110
A LevelOCR2June20221006248393021120
A LevelOCR3June2022100584536271890
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2June202214099846955410
AS LevelOCR MEI1June20227049413427200
AS LevelOCR MEI2June20227050433528210
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3June202227521217213810471380
A LevelOCR MEI1June20221007158473625140
A LevelOCR MEI2June20221007864513826140
A LevelOCR MEI3June2022756350403020100
AS LevelEdexcel1 and 2June2023160103907764520
AS LevelEdexcel1June202310065564840320
AS LevelEdexcel2June20236038332824200
A LevelEdexcel1, 2 and 3June202330024419615812184470
A LevelEdexcel1June20231008267544128160
A LevelEdexcel2June20231008063513927160
A LevelEdexcel3June20231008266534027150
AS LevelAQA1 and 2June2023160106917661460
AS LevelAQA1June20238051433528210
AS LevelAQA2June20238055473932250
A LevelAQA1, 2 and 3June202330024820116312587490
A LevelAQA1June20231008265523927150
A LevelAQA2June20231008062503827160
A LevelAQA3June20231008674604632180
AS LevelOCR1 and 2June202315096816753390
AS LevelOCR1June20237550423528200
AS LevelOCR2June20237546393225190
A LevelOCR1, 2 and 3June20233002091611299766350
A LevelOCR1June20231007458463423120
A LevelOCR2June20231006752423222120
A LevelOCR3June20231006851413121110
AS LevelOCR MEI1 and 2June2023140105938170590
AS LevelOCR MEI1June20237051453934280
AS LevelOCR MEI2June20237054484236310
A LevelOCR MEI1,2 and 3June202327522418615111783490
A LevelOCR MEI1June20231008773604632190
A LevelOCR MEI2June20231008066534129170
A LevelOCR MEI3June2023755747383022130
AS LevelEdexcelCoreJune20188053443526180
AS LevelEdexcelFP1June20184023201714120
AS LevelEdexcelFP2June20184024211815120
AS LevelEdexcelFS1June20184025221916130
AS LevelEdexcelFS2June20184023201715130
AS LevelEdexcelFM1June20184024211815130
AS LevelEdexcelFM2June20184024211815130
AS LevelEdexcelD1June20184024211815130
AS LevelEdexcelD2June20184023201714110
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FP2June2018160100857056420
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1June2018160101867157430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1June2018160100857157430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, D1June2018160100857056420
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1June2018160102877258440
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1June2018160102877257430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FS2June2018160101867258440
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1June2018160101867157430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2June2018160101867258440
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2June2018160100857055410
AS LevelAQAPureJune20188044383226210
AS LevelAQADiscreteJune20184025232119170
AS LevelAQAMechanicsJune2018402118151290
AS LevelAQAStatisticsJune20184027231915120
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsJune201816096847261500
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteJune201816090796857470
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsJune201816092796654420
AS LevelOCR APure CoreJune20186047423732270
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsJune20186042373329250
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsJune20196035292318130
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteJune20186032282421180
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune20186035312724210
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsJune20191801241099479650
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteJune20181801211089582700
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, Additional PureJune20181801241119885730
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20181801141008672580
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, Additional PureJune20181801171038975610
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Discrete, Additional PureJune20181801141029078660
AS LevelEdexcelCoreJune20198049413325180
AS LevelEdexcelFP1June20194025211815120
AS LevelEdexcelFP2June20194024211815120
AS LevelEdexcelFS1June20194027232017140
AS LevelEdexcelFS2June20194023201715130
AS LevelEdexcelFM1June20194024211815130
AS LevelEdexcelFM2June20194020171513110
AS LevelEdexcelD1June20194024211815120
AS LevelEdexcelD2June20194023201714110
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FP2June201916098847056420
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1June2019160101867258440
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1June201916098847056430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, D1June201916098847056420
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1June2019160100867258450
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1June2019160100867258440
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FS2June201916099857158450
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1June201916097836956430
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2June201916093806754420
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2June201916096826854410
A LevelEdexcelCore 1June20197549403123150
A LevelEdexcelCore 2June20197545372921140
A LevelEdexcelFP1June20197553443527190
A LevelEdexcelFS1June20197552433425170
A LevelEdexcelFM1June20197553443628200
A LevelEdexcelD1June20197549413326190
A LevelEdexcelFP2June20197550413223150
A LevelEdexcelFS2June20197555463728190
A LevelEdexcelFM2June20197556473829200
A LevelEdexcelD2June20197548393022140
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FP2June201930023519716312996630
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FS1June201930023719916513198650
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FM1June2019300242200167134101680
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, D1June201930023419616313199670
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FM1June201930023819916513299660
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, D1June201930023019516212997650
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FS2June201930023920116713399650
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, D1June2019300231196164132100680
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, FM2June2019300248203169135102690
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, D1, D2June201930022919115812694620
AS LevelAQAPureJune20198041342822160
AS LevelAQADiscreteJune20194026221916130
AS LevelAQAMechanicsJune20194024201613100
AS LevelAQAStatisticsJune2019402319151170
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsJune201916091786552390
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteJune201916090766249360
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsJune201916088746046330
A LevelAQAPure 1June20191006752423222120
A LevelAQAPure 2June20191006955453526170
A LevelAQADiscreteJune2019504035302520160
A LevelAQAStatisticsJune201950383327211590
A LevelAQAMechanicsJune201950362923181380
A LevelAQAPure 1 , Pure 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune201930021617514411284540
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune201930021217114111182530
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune201930021016913810776460
AS LevelOCR APure CoreJune20196039343026220
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsJune20196038332925210
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsJune20196031262116120
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteJune20196034302622190
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune20196036322824210
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsJune2019180108948168550
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteJune2019 180111988674620
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, Additional PureJune20191801131008876640
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteJune2019180104917865530
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, Additional PureJune2019180106938067550
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Discrete, Additional PureJune2019180109978573620
A LevelOCR APure Core 1June2019756151433527200
A LevelOCR APure Core 2June2019755846383023160
A LevelOCR AStatisticsJune2019756354474135290
A LevelOCR AMechanicsJune2019755242363024180
A LevelOCR ADiscreteJune2019755145383124180
A LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune201975564739312417
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune2019300234193165137110830
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune2019300233196167139111830
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, Additional PureJune2019300238198169140111820
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune2019300222184156128100720
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, Additional PureJune201930022718615712899710
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Discrete, Additional PureJune2019300226189159129100710
AS LevelEdexcelCoreOctober20208043352719120
AS LevelEdexcelFP1October2020402419141060
AS LevelEdexcelFP2October2020402419141060
AS LevelEdexcelFS1October2020402520161280
AS LevelEdexcelFS2October2020402419151170
AS LevelEdexcelFM1October2020402319151170
AS LevelEdexcelFM2October2020402218141180
AS LevelEdexcelD1October2020402419141060
AS LevelEdexcelD2October202040221713950
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FP2October202016091745740240
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1October202016092755842260
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1October202016090735741250
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, D1October202016091745740240
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1October202016091755943270
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1October202016092755842260
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FS2October202016092755943270
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1October202016090735741250
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2October202016088725742270
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2October202016089725539230
A LevelEdexcelCore 1October2020754333241560
A LevelEdexcelCore 2October2020754031221460
A LevelEdexcelFP1October2020754737271780
A LevelEdexcelFS1October2020754636261670
A LevelEdexcelFM1October2020754737271890
A LevelEdexcelD1October2020754233241680
A LevelEdexcelFP2October2020754333241560
A LevelEdexcelFS2October2020754737271780
A LevelEdexcelFM2October2020754939291990
A LevelEdexcelD2October2020754232231450
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FP2October20203002231731369962260
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FS1October202030022017613810164270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FM1Octoberv202030021917714010366290
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, D1October202030021517213610064280
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FM1October202030021817613910265280
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, D1October20203002141711359963270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FS2October202030022517613810164270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, D1October202030021317213610064290
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, FM2October202030021917914110467300
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, D1, D2October20203002081671319560250
AS LevelAQAPureOctober20208039322518120
AS LevelAQADiscreteOctober20204025211713100
AS LevelAQAMechanicsOctober2020402319151170
AS LevelAQAStatisticsOctober2020402319151180
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsOctober202016087725844300
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202016087725743290
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsOctober202016075705541270
A LevelAQAPure 1October20201006346372819100
A LevelAQAPure 2October20201006650413223150
A LevelAQADiscreteOctober202050362924191490
A LevelAQAStatisticsOctober202050322420161280
A LevelAQAMechanicsOctober202050342722171280
A LevelAQAPure 1 , Pure 2, Statistics, DiscreteOctober20203001981521249669420
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober20203001951491229568420
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Statistics, MechanicsOctober20203001931471209367410
AS LevelOCR APure CoreOctober20206035302521170
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsOctober20206035292419140
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsOctober20206029241914100
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteOctober20206031262218140
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureOctober2020600
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsOctober202018099846955410
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteOctober2020180101877359450
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202018095816754410
A LevelOCR APure Core 1October2020755443352821140
A LevelOCR APure Core 2October2020755143352821140
A LevelOCR AStatisticsOctober2020755546393225180
A LevelOCR AMechanicsOctober2020754838322620150
A LevelOCR ADiscreteOctober20207547540332620140
A LevelOCR AAdditional PureOctober202075504134272014
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, MechanicsOctober202030020817014211588610
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, DiscreteOctober202030020717214411688600
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, Additional PureOctober202030021017314411688600
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202030020016413711083570
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, Additional PureOctober202030020316513811184570
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Discrete, Additional PureOctober202030020216713911183560
AS LevelEdexcelCoreOctober20218042342618100
AS LevelEdexcelFP1October2021402218141180
AS LevelEdexcelFS1October20214024201613100
AS LevelEdexcelFM1October2021402118151290
AS LevelEdexcelFM2October20214020171412100
AS LevelEdexcelD1October2021402117141180
AS LevelEdexcelD2October2021402016131070
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1October20214088735843280
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1October20214085705541270
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1October202116087725743290
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1October202116087725742280
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1October202116084695541270
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2October202116083695542290
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2October202116083685339250
A LevelEdexcelCore 1October202175514233241560
A LevelEdexcelCore 2October202175493930221460
A LevelEdexcelFP1October202175534132231570
A LevelEdexcelFS1October202175524334251670
A LevelEdexcelFM1October202175574435261790
A LevelEdexcelD1October202175494032241680
A LevelEdexcelFP2October202175504132241680
A LevelEdexcelFS2October202175584636261780
A LevelEdexcelFM2October202175624737271890
A LevelEdexcelD2October202175513930211350
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FP2October20213002031631299561270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FS1October20213002051651309560260
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FM1Octoberv20213002101661319662280
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, D1October20213002021621289460270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FM1October20213002091681339863280
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, D1October20213002011641299561270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FS2October20213002101701349862270
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, D1October20213002061651319763290
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, FM2October202130021917213610065300
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, D1, D2October20213002001601269258250
AS LevelAQAPureOctober20218041342822160
AS LevelAQADiscreteOctober20214022191613100
AS LevelAQAMechanicsOctober2021402117131070
AS LevelAQAStatisticsOctober20214024201613100
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsOctober202116087746148360
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202116084715845330
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsOctober20211600
A LevelAQAPure 1October20211006145362718100
A LevelAQAPure 2October20211006246372819110
A LevelAQADiscreteOctober2021503427221814100
A LevelAQAStatisticsOctober202150312319151180
A LevelAQAMechanicsOctober202150342722171280
A LevelAQAPure 1 , Pure 2, Statistics, DiscreteOctober20213001881411158964390
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober20213001881411158963370
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Statistics, MechanicsOctober20213001921451189165390
AS LevelOCR APure CoreOctober20216033282319150
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsOctober2021600
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsOctober20216027221814100
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteOctober20216028242016120
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureOctober2021600
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsOctober20211800
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteOctober20211800
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, Additional PureOctober20211800
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202118088756249370
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, Additional PureOctober20211800
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Discrete, Additional PureOctober20211800
A LevelOCR APure Core 1October2021755343362922160
A LevelOCR APure Core 2October2021755140332619130
A LevelOCR AStatisticsOctober2021755243362923170
A LevelOCR AMechanicsOctober2021754434292419150
A LevelOCR ADiscreteOctober2021754337312520150
A LevelOCR AAdditional PureOctober202175483932262014
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, MechanicsOctober202130020016013511085610
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, DiscreteOctober202130019916313711186610
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, Additional PureOctober202130020416513811286600
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, DiscreteOctober202130019115413010682590
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, Additional PureOctober202130019615613110682580
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Discrete, Additional PureOctober202130019515913310883580
AS LevelEdexcelCoreJune20228047383022140
AS LevelEdexcelFP1June2022402319151290
AS LevelEdexcelFP2June2022402319151290
AS LevelEdexcelFS1June2022402521171390
AS LevelEdexcelFS2June20224022191613100
AS LevelEdexcelFM1June2022402218151290
AS LevelEdexcelFM2June20224019161412100
AS LevelEdexcelD1June20224022191613100
AS LevelEdexcelD2June20224021181512100
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FP2June202216093776247320
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1June202216095796347320
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1June202216092776247320
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, D1June202216092776247330
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1June202216094786247320
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1June202216094786348330
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FS2June202216094786348330
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1June202216091766147330
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2June202216088746046330
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2June202216090766248340
A LevelEdexcelCore 1June2022756151413121120
A LevelEdexcelCore 2June2022756050403021120
A LevelEdexcelFP1June2022756554433222120
A LevelEdexcelFS1June2022756151413121110
A LevelEdexcelFM1June2022755848382819100
A LevelEdexcelD1June2022755546383022140
A LevelEdexcelFP2June2022756554433323130
A LevelEdexcelFS2June2022755949393021120
A LevelEdexcelFM2June2022755848382920110
A LevelEdexcelD2June2022755445362718100
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FP2June202230025020916912989490
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FS1June202230024720616612686470
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FM1June202230024720316312485460
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, D1June202230024220116312587500
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FM1June202230024320016112283450
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, D1June202230023819816012386490
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FS2June202230024220116212385470
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, D1June202230023219515812184480
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, FM2June202230023819715912183450
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, D1, D2June202230023319215612084480
AS LevelAQAPureJune20228060514233250
AS LevelAQADiscreteJune20224028242118150
AS LevelAQAMechanicsJune20224032272217120
AS LevelAQAStatisticsJune20224031262116110
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsJune20221601191028568510
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20221601201038669520
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsJune20221601231048566480
A LevelAQAPure 1June20221005845362719110
A LevelAQAPure 2June20221005643342618100
A LevelAQADiscreteJune2022503531262116110
A LevelAQAStatisticsJune202250302419141060
A LevelAQAMechanicsJune202250373326191250
A LevelAQAPure 1 , Pure 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune20223001881521239465370
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20223001791431169064380
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune20223001811451168860320
AS LevelOCR APure CoreJune20226038332925210
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsJune20226037322824200
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsJune20226036312723190
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteJune20226033292521180
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune20226035312723200
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsJune2022180111988572600
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteJune2022180108958371590
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, Additional PureJune2022180110978573610
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteJune2022180107948270580
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, Additional PureJune2022180109968472600
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Discrete, Additional PureJune2022180106948270590
A LevelOCR APure Core 1June2022755042342720130
A LevelOCR APure Core 2June2022754536292216100
A LevelOCR AStatisticsJune2022755949393021120
A LevelOCR AMechanicsJune202275453326201480
A LevelOCR ADiscreteJune2022754939322518110
A LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune20227539292318138
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune202230019916013010172430
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune202230020316613610676460
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, Additional PureJune20223001931561279971430
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20223001891501239669420
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, Additional PureJune20223001791401148964390
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Discrete, Additional PureJune20223001831461209468420
AS LevelEdexcelCoreJune20238057484032240
AS LevelEdexcelFP1June20234029252118150
AS LevelEdexcelFP2June20234024211815120
AS LevelEdexcelFS1June20234026221916130
AS LevelEdexcelFS2June20234023201715130
AS LevelEdexcelFM1June20234027242118160
AS LevelEdexcelFM2June20234030272421180
AS LevelEdexcelD1June20234025221916130
AS LevelEdexcelD2June20234024211815120
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FP2June2023160110958065510
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FS1June2023160112978267520
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, FM1June2023160113988369550
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FP1, D1June2023160111968166520
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FM1June2023160110958167530
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, D1June2023160108937864500
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FS1, FS2June2023160106927864500
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, D1June2023160109958167530
AS LevelEdexcelCore, FM1, FM2June20231601141008672580
AS LevelEdexcelCore, D1, D2June2023160106917763490
A LevelEdexcelCore 1June2023755143352821140
A LevelEdexcelCore 2June2023755646383124170
A LevelEdexcelFP1June2023756460504030200
A LevelEdexcelFS1June2023756052433527190
A LevelEdexcelFM1June2023755848403224170
A LevelEdexcelD1June2023756046383023160
A LevelEdexcelFP2June2023756050413223150
A LevelEdexcelFS2June2023756053433425160
A LevelEdexcelFM2June2023756756473829200
A LevelEdexcelD2June2023756353433323140
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FP2June202330023519916513299660
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FS1June2023300237201168135102700
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, FM1June2023300233197164132100680
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FP1, D1June202330023119516313199670
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FM1June202330022418915812797670
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, D1June202330022418715612696660
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FS1, FS2June202330023019416213098660
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, D1June202330022018315312393640
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, FM1, FM2June202330022919316113099680
A LevelEdexcelCore 1, Core 2, D1, D2June202330022418815612492610
AS LevelAQAPureJune20238061544741350
AS LevelAQADiscreteJune20234029262320170
AS LevelAQAMechanicsJune20234027242118150
AS LevelAQAStatisticsJune20234029252118150
AS LevelAQAPure, Discrete, StatisticsJune20231601191069380670
AS LevelAQAPure, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20231601171049179670
AS LevelAQAPure, Statistics, MechanicsJune20231601171049178650
A LevelAQAPure 1June20231007562503928170
A LevelAQAPure 2June20231007157463626160
A LevelAQADiscreteJune2023503933272217120
A LevelAQAStatisticsJune202350292419151170
A LevelAQAMechanicsJune202350413629221590
A LevelAQAPure 1 , Pure 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune202330022518815412087540
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune202330021317614511483520
A LevelAQAPure 1, Pure 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune202330021617914611381490
AS LevelOCR APure CoreJune20236042373227230
AS LevelOCR AStatisticsJune20236037322722170
AS LevelOCR AMechanicsJune20236041363127230
AS LevelOCR ADiscreteJune20236036312723190
AS LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune20236030262219160
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, MechanicsJune20231801201059177630
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, DiscreteJune20231801151018773590
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Statistics, Additional PureJune2023180109958269560
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, DiscreteJune20231801191059178650
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Mechanics, Additional PureJune20231801131008774620
AS LevelOCR APure Core, Discrete, Additional PureJune2023180108958270580
A LevelOCR APure Core 1June2023754838312418120
A LevelOCR APure Core 2June2023754838312519130
A LevelOCR AStatisticsJune2023755242342720130
A LevelOCR AMechanicsJune2023755140322518110
A LevelOCR ADiscreteJune2023756050413224160
A LevelOCR AAdditional PureJune202375483832262014
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, MechanicsJune202330019915813010376490
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, DiscreteJune202330020816813911082540
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Statistics, Additional PureJune202330019615613010478520
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, DiscreteJune202330020716613710880520
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Mechanics, Additional PureJune202330019515412810276500
A LevelOCR APure Core 1, Pure Core 2, Discrete, Additional PureJune202330020416413610982550

2017-2024 A Level Grade Boundaries:

Edexcel Max A* A B C D E
Summer 2018 300 229 184 155 126 98 70
Summer 2019 300 217 165 134 103 73 43
Summer 2020 300 214 162 130 99 68 37
Summer 2021 300 207 157 128 99 70 42
Summer 2022 300 217 164 130 96 62 28
Summer 2023 300 244 196 158 121 84 47
Summer 2024              


AQA Max A* A B C D E
Summer 2018 300 230 181 158 135 112 90
Summer 2019 300 231 185 151 118 85 52
Summer 2020 300 218 171 140 109 78 47
Summer 2021 300 208 162 133 105 77 49
Summer 2022 300 220 171 138 106 74 42
Summer 2023 300 248 201 163 125 87 49
Summer 2024              


OCR Max A* A B C D E
Summer 2018 300 240 197 162 128 94 60
Summer 2019 300 216 161 130 100 70 40
Summer 2020 300 202 154 124 95 66 37
Summer 2021 300 197 151 123 95 67 39
Summer 2022 300 193 149 119 90 61 32
Summer 2023 300 209 161 129 97 66 35
Summer 2024              


Summer 2018 275 218 197 176 155 135 115
Summer 2019 275 217 178 146 114 83 52
Summer 2020 275 193 159 128 97 67 37
Summer 2021 275 192 154 126 98 70 42
Summer 2022 275 212 172 138 104 71 38
Summer 2023 275 224 186 151 117 83 49
Summer 2024              

 Further Maths Pathway

AS is a first year course and the end of year exam is only taken if a student is considering dropping Maths (when studying four subjects and dropping to the required three).  So, AS levels are standalone courses, taken alongside – rather than as part of A-levels. This means that they won’t form part of an overall A-level grade (this was not the case before the syllabus change in 2017 though). If one is only taking AS, they will sit 2 exams at end of their first year.  Students cannot get an A* for an AS, only for an A Level.  If one is taking a full A Level they'll they will usually sit 3 exams at the end of their second year (unless taking Further maths also)

Further Maths is like an add-on to the main maths A level.  One will not be able to take Further Maths unless they are also taking A Level Maths, but it doesn’t matter whether sequentially or concurrently.  Obviously, one needs A Levels maths to understand Further Maths, but schools tend to choose their preferred order of teaching the content and when the exams are taken.  A Level Maths’ exams can be completed in the first or second year of study. Content-wise, some schools teach all of A Level in year 12 and Further Maths content in year 13, and some schools try to do both alongside each other over the 2 years. Exam-wise, some students sit A Level Maths in year 12 and then sit Further Maths in year 13, straight after.  Some sit all exams in the final year.

Grade boundaries for individual papers for all years can also be found by clicking the pdfs below.

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