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HIRING STUDENTS - A Level Maths students (predicted A*) of Further Maths (predicted A or A*) to type solutions for resources and very neatly handwrite model solutions. Please get in touch via the contact form.
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This exam is used by a large number of top independent schools and grammar schools in the uk. The questions consist of multiple choice, drag and drop ansd auto complete questions. There is a maths section consisting of 30 questions. There are also comprehension, verbal and non-verbal reasoning sections. The exam is one hour long.
Durham CEM select is not an adaptive test, meaning the questions don't get harder as you answer them correctly and there is no negative marking (unlike the ISEB common Pre-Test and London Consortium exams. The Durham CEM select test is used within a wide range of schools and each school has their own pass threshhold which varies based on how many pupils the school can admit into the year group. Therefore there is no universal pass mark.
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